Association of Scotland's Self-Caterers logo


I have been working with the Association of Scotland’s Self-Caterers since 2015. As soon as I was involved, it was clear that a rebrand was needed. It was clear that this members’ association needed to be refreshed, reinvigorated and set up to be the representative body for every ‘holiday home’ or ‘vacation rental’ operator in Scotland.

The ASSC had 450 members back then. At the point of writing, the ASSC has approximately 1250 members. My day to day involvement has been peripheral, but what I would take from it is that a good brand works.

It is so important to have a tight look. It emphasises the hard work that a team does. It helps provide a coherent voice, an industry wide, recognisable voice.

Do you know what? So far, it has worked.

Fill your boots. Share away!