Boneshaker Magazine
Boneshaker Magazine is a publication that started as a local Bristol bike scene magazine that very quickly became a global representation of the less mainstream world of riding bikes.
Over the years I did more than a few layouts for the publication. The magazine is a beautifully designed, perfect bound, alternative to the standard bike magazines you find in newsagents up and down the land. This layout is particularly special to me as it was my first, but more importantly it was about me and a ride I did from Glasgow to Bristol on my single speed bike to launch the Weathered Cyclist charity (you can find out more about Weathered Cyclist here).
As a graphic designer, sometimes it is really invigorating to work within somebody else’s constraints; font style and size, page size and margins. Despite being a graphic designer for more than 25 years, having been a senior designer and a creative director, I love working as a freelancer and am more than happy to work with agencies and their teams. Solo is good, collaboration is good, flexiblility is better.