homelands 2000 running order

Random Acts of K…

You know that feeling when something completely takes you by surprise? In a good way, I mean.

Yesterday was just another day, not really expecting anything untoward – no alarms, no surprises (as a certain band might sing) – dogs out, ready to get on with the order of the day.

Then the post arrived…
and with it the lanyard in the picture. It comes from a festival we (Jengaheads) played at in 2000, Homelands Scotland. I don’t recall seeing these at the time as I would probably be too wrapped up in gig nerves and nonsense. Maybe a year ago, someone I barely know posted a picture of this very lanyard on Facebook and we had a brief conversation and a laugh about it and that was it.

Fast forward again to yesterday and I opened the package to find this, a memory from two decades ago and seeing the line up of each arena, just got me. Really got me. What got me more was the fact that someone I barely know felt that they wanted to send me such a thing after all these years. The fact that they (and they know who they are) bothered to go to the trouble of finding my address to send me a complete surprise, with the simple message “I thought you should have it” and ” Thanks for all the good Alaska* memories” totally hit me.

The point of this piece is to marvel at how thoughtful some people can be. On a day where I probably needed it, a kind gesture really lifted my spirits. We talk of random acts of kindness almost to the point of cliché, however this truly was one.

Thank you.


*Alaska was a splendid Glasgow nightclub where we played a monthly residency.

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